We are launching Celebrate Recovery in Lander Wyoming
Every Thursday night 6:30pm. Dinner provided at 6pm.

“Welcome Home” is not just a catchy phrase- it is truly how we want you to feel the minute you walk through the doors. We believe CR is a place where there is real life happening.  A place where we can feel safe and loved by your “Forever Family”.  A place where we can relax and know that great things are getting ready to happen.  CR is one of the most loving and accepting environments you will be a part of.  Everyone here is on the same road and though our issues may be different, we all are seeking God's truth in the same way. This is a safe environment where we can take our masks off and be who we are.

How can CR change your LIFE?

At Celebrate Recovery we strongly believe that this ministry can benefit any and all.  The truth is that we are all hurting.  There is no such thing as a “perfect” church or a “perfect” person.  We can so easily fall into the trap of wearing a mask to hide from everyone.  We desperately and diligently try to keep anyone from seeing the hurting person inside of us.

CR provides a safe place for us to take that mask off and begin coming out of denial, turn our life and will over to Christ’s power, begin identifying hurts, turn over our character defects, replace them with truth and positives in our lives, and ultimately give back to others so that they know they arent alone on this walk in life.


“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

Matthew 11:28,29


A typical Thursday night for Celebrate Recovery at The Rock Church looks like this:

5:45 – Doors Open

6:00 – Dinner – Everyone is welcome!

6:30 – CR Meeting in the Gym  - music, message or testimony, Recovery Chips/Coins

7:30 – Open Share Groups - Women's Life Issues, Men's Life Issues (First time attenders join us for Newcomer 101 to learn more about the program)

Get started by joining us every Thursday at The Rock Church located at 150 Baldwin Creek Road,

Lander WY 82520.